Halton CYPFP 2018-2021
Halton’s Children, Young People and Families Plan 2018 – 2021 is for all children and young people who live, grow and learn in the borough. It is the joint, strategic, overarching plan for all partners within Halton Children’s Trust, and the services they provide for children, young people and families.
The Plan sets out our hopes and aspirations for the children, young people and families of Halton and explains how we will achieve our ambitions for them to achieve the best possible outcomes. The best way that agencies can support our children and young people to achieve these outcomes is by jointly planning and delivering services based on the identified needs to improve health and well being.
As part of this all agencies and services should listen to and involve our children, young people and their families in decision-making, to find out what they think is important. This will ensure that our services are delivered in a way that suits their needs and can really make a difference to their lives.
The Plan covers all services for children and young people and guides the activity of Halton Children’s Trust until April 2021. The Plan is written around the three overarching priorities that have been agreed for Halton Children’s Trust for 2018-2021 and the theme of Working Together.